Number of times I gasped and put my hands over my face while watching Precious on Friday night: about seven. That movie is really, really gritty and depressing. Though the five of us who went to see it are all fans of, shall we say, thinking cinema, we all kind of just wanted to be hugged and then get ice cream and watch something atrociously Hollywood like Bride Wars afterwards, just to feel okay again. (But really, go see it.)
Number of ID books currently in my possession in which my name appears in full and spelled correctly: one. Though my ID photo sadly still resembles a police mug shot, I'm glad this nonsense is finally out of the way.
Number of laps the Princess and I did around the Old Biscuit Mill Neighbourgoods market on Saturday morning: Too many. Being spoilt for choice is sometimes a terrible thing. But seriously, how can you possibly decide what to buy/eat/taste with such a smorgasbord of delights at every turn? Princess, god love her, managed to do all her grocery shopping for the week, while I dithered between anything from a pancake to a salmon bagel and back.
Number of 3D movies watched: one. Alice in Wonderland. I was a 3D virgin, and am suitably impressed, not least by the very cool wayfarer shape they've gone with for the 3D glasses. I don't need to tell anyone how cool the movie was.
Number of hours spent at home on Sunday, vegging, reading the entire Sunday Times for a change, watching TV, doing a little freelance work, making multiple cups of tea and slices of toast and just generally getting some much-needed downtime: 24. Loved every minute.
your sunday sounds awesome. hope you had central air to keep you cool.