Friday, January 28, 2011

Discussed over pastries and coffee at Jardine this morning how trawling Gumtree for flats/houses/cars can be soul-destroying, and that a large part of that is probably because of the sheer uglyness of the site (really, that puke green with yellow highlights is just vom).

Which made me think... Imagine a world in which we never had to see anything that wasn't aesthetically pleasing; if the whole world looked like the love child of a Mac OS, an issue of Vogue and a Muji store (yes, okay, that's a threesome).

As though the universe heard my thoughts, my inbox pinged shortly thereafter, delivering the following image from Brother Dear. It's s a save-the-date for a couple's wedding. The happy event is to take place near The Page Museum in California, at a tar pit full of fossils (odd yes, but one assumes they have an interest in paleontology?).

Anyway, the groom-to-be is a graphic designer, and the Brother Dear had quipped, 'What life would be like if everyone married a graphic designer'. No tacky brushscript font in sight, no boring floral background, no gag-inducing curlicues. Just this:

Quirky, original, just plain awesome design.

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