Thursday, September 22, 2011

I'm back, baby!

I'm feeling almost 100% healthy again.
Sad face
I spent the past four days lashing around in bed feeling like I was going to die. I've never had real flu before, and man did it give me sense of humour failure. For someone who doesn't even really suffer from the common cold, this was agony. At one point, I thought I needed to be rushed to the medi clinic, and got all teary-eyed thinking how sad it would be to say my final goodbyes to my family and Le Boyfriend (I had a whole House type scene going on in my head. It was really dramatic. I was all brave, saying things like 'I'm not afraid' in my croaky, near-death voice as the world wept at my tragic loss).

Sleeping for fours days means it's already nearly the weekend baby!
Sad face
Um, there isn't one here.

Managed to lose 1.5 kg from all the svitshing and lack of appetite.
Sad face
Have put 0.5 back since regaining my appetite.

Le Boyfriend arrived home from Joburg (okay, fine, Witbank) last night.
Sad face
Circumstances have conspired so that we don't actually have plans together until Saturday night, his company's end of year function dress-up party. Which also means I have to find a costume. Theme, you ask? The perfectly absurd 'Pirates, mermaids and a touch of lumo'. So ... SpongBob SquarePants? Disco Jack Sparrow? I'm stumped here.

Before I fell down with the flu, I baked a cheesecake which turned out bloody perfect, so I'm quite chuffed. I mean, my first attempt, and it turns out I'm Ni-friggin-gella (wow that sounded awfully common didn't it?).Oh yeah.
Sad face
It cost me about R130 in cream cheese and other ingredients to make the damn thing, and then I couldn't face the thought of eating it while I was sick.

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