Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Adios office

It turns out that you can't make red icing with red liquid food colouring, so what were going to be Christmas cupcakes, are now a pretty pink pre-birthday variety. Gotta adapt yo...

Last day of work today, and it couldn't have come soon enough.

Luckily, everyone else seems to be on a go-slow already too, so today may include eating the cupcakes I baked last night, taking a long lunch for a staff member's farewell, and not too much else.

Suits me just fine. I'm wearing my new stripey wedges from WW, and they're putting me in a very laid-back, holiday mood.

As for my Christmas shopping...
Mum √
Dad ?? Help!
Dear brother ?? Help!
Le Boyfriend √
Le Boyfriend's family √

Sometimes I love having a tiny family, and friends who aren't fussed about Christmas gifts. It drastically reduces the time I have to spend in malls over this period, and gives me more time to go crazy with wrapping paper.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Crikey, I've been bad of late. I had this master plan that involved me not blogging at all during November while work was crazy busy, and then coming back with a bang in December, when work slowed down to a crawl and I had time to do things like organise my stationery by colour scheme and alphabetise my Christmas shopping list.

Turns out, the spanner in that wheel was that being promoted doesn't just mean a shiny new payload, it also means more responsibility and a lot less time on my hands in the office (who knew?). And, consequently, a lot less time for blogging and stationery organising and so forth.

But anyway, here I am, with two days of work left before I'm on holi-holi-holiday, and only five days to go before my absolute favourite day of the year – Christmas. (Yes, I'm one of those people...)

So ho ho ho. I hope you have all wrapped and DHL'd your gifts to me already. You know I'm partial to beauty spoils and confectionery. Just saying...