Thursday, April 12, 2012


 As of this morning, I am the proud renter of a beautiful one-bedroom apartment.

It's so exciting, I need to pee every five minutes.

Or it will be, and I will, if work stress eases off for, oh, I don't know, five seconds? (Yes, yes, I see the irony of blogging when I protest I don't even have time to feel emotions. Shut up.)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Okay Wednesday morning, let's work this out like adults


Wednesday mornings can be the worst, can't they?

This morning was a prime example.

I snoozed my alarm one too many times, which meant that by the time I got up, someone else was already hogging the bathroom. 'No matter,' thought I. 'I shall make tea instead.'

Headed to the kitchen. Stubbed toe, mighty painfully. Rolled around on the floor, moaning in agony.

Made it into the bathroom to discover it is a Bad Hair Day. Also discovered face wash is running out. Had to attack tube with scissors.

Stared balefully into cupboard 10 minutes later, to find it is also an I Hate My Entire Wardrobe day.

Checked weather. Going to be hot. But have not got around to painting my toenails, therefore must wear pumps instead of sandals.

Drove to work and heard on the radio that Ryk Neethling's ex has written a tell-all book, entitled In the Water They Can't See You Cry. This cheered me up immensely, because it reminded me that the world is a stupid, crazy kind of place, filled with some really stupid crazy kind of people.

Thank you, Amanda Beard. You've reminded me to laugh at myself and my first-world morning problems.

Oh, and at you.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Hands up now, who else is feeling depressed today? I mean, I know for a fact it can't just be me who struggled to get out of bed this morning. Things seem bleak bleak bleak my friends. It's that kind of holiday hangover that has nothing to do with alcohol and everything to do with disbelief at being back on the daily grind.

That's it. I'm starting a new religion, and its primary doctrine is that all weekends should be four days. They should also, preferably, contain chocolate bunnies and sugar-coated eggs.

Fantastic things that happened this weekend include, but are not limited to:
  • Spending the weekend at a gorgeous Camps Bay mansion. Now that's a staycation.
  • Having a sleepover with Le Boyfriend and another guy, and having them cook bacon and eggs in the morning, and then clean up afterwards. Well trained, very well trained they are. 
  • Rehearsing and rehearsing and rehearsing and then performing with On Pointe and iKapa Dance Theatre on Saturday night, in Summer Stages.
  • Hearing someone sing 'Can you feel the drugs Fernando?' instead of 'Can you hear the drums Fernando?'.
  • Sleeping for 10 solid hours, two nights in a row. 
  • Sitting in a hot jacuzzi, sipping a gin and tonic, holding a pink umbrella while it pours with rain around us. 
  • Eating chocolate for breakfast.

Thursday, April 5, 2012