Thursday, May 28, 2009

Intelligent things I did yesterday...

1. Sat waiting to turn left behind a guy at a stop street for AGES before realising he was actually parked there (way to go, tosser in your ugly little half-loaf Daihatsu, really good idea parking in the actual little white-outlined stop street box thingy-majigy).

2. Substituted wax paper for baking paper while being a good girlfriend and making double dark chocolate chip and nut cookies for the returning Boyfriend. Figured they were pretty much the same thing. They're not. Something very Ghostbusters happened in the oven.
(Don't worry baby i made a fresh batch.)

3. Ate nothing all day apart from licking the bowl of chocolatey goodness and 'sampling' (numerous times) both the cookie dough and the finished results (yes, even the Chernobyl ones). One might think living on nothing but chocolate for the rest of one's life sounds like a dream come true - it's not. I now know the truth.

4. Went to a 90-minute Zumbathon at my beloved Virgin's like this crazy workout come latin american dance class come lesson in embarrassment (for the first few minutes at least, until everyone realises it's simpler to just, really, dance like nobody's watching). This in itself was a Good Idea, just maybe not so much after the cookie dough.

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