Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Something I forgot to mention yesterday...

Number of times got paid this weekend for freelance writing: 1
Now according to a writerly friend of mine, what one aims to do when starting out in the business, is to cultivate an attitude of indifference, presumably so that everyone wonders what they're missing out on, and falls over themselves to commission you.
I'm finding this hard to accomplish.
The fact that somebody handed over actual currency for something I'd written...well it blows my mind and gives me the warm and fuzzies. Sure, I wasn't even credited, but I got paid. Clearly it's not critical acclaim and creative prestige I'm after...just show me the money.
Which, admittedly, wasn't very much, but I feel like I can justifiably call myself a writer now that there has been actual commerce involved. And a penniless writer at that, so it's definitely official...

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