Tuesday, September 15, 2009

So in all of yesterday's numbery numberness, I forgot to mention what this week's little change is going to be (also ... I hadn't thought of one yet).

Drum roll please: this week I am going to make an effort to swear less.

OK so it's a bit half-arsed (whoops), but this week's already a killer and it's only Tuesday so I'm giving myself a relatively easy one. It is something I've been meaning to do less of though anyway. Not that I swear often, usually only when I hurt myself (which is quite often actually – I'm a little clumsy), but all the same, it's not very Grace Kelly of me.

And besides that, I think saving my expletives for those times when I really just need to have a good 'Fuck!' (that came out wrong) makes it all the more expressive than if I said it after every little stubbed toe or crashed program, or because it's easier than thinking of an adjective sometimes.

So I'll save it for when I really mean it. I'm sure even Grace Kelly said 'fuck' at least every now and again...

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