Wednesday, November 4, 2009

'I seriously believe that you should rethink the length of your sideburns.'

So everyone seems to be feeling the end-of-year burnout, even those of us who have only been working since August (hey it's not like I was on a beach for the first seven months of the year – unemployment is pretty stressful you know).

Woke up feeling absolutely exhausted – not exactly ideal after a full eight hours of sleep, even if I was dreaming about job bags. And slept through my alarm for the first time in forever (literally).

Lots of tea in the next few days methinks.

Spent last night in my bed watching Bridget Jones's Diary again for the first time in years. This may sound like the case of the Sad Lame Boring Person, but it was actually rather pleasant to ditch my workout, ditch dinner with the folks and just snuggle up alone having some me-time (with what some people consider a clever piece of uproariously funny social commentary just by the way, so don't you dare say I was in bed with a chick flick. What blasphemy.)

Things I learned last night:
- I weigh the same as Bridget Jones. WTF?
- Colin Firth can actually be sexy (when he's not doing his carrot/bottom thing).
- Bridget Jones's Diary really is a chick flick.


  1. omg, i love watching bridget jones. I always find colin firth sexy...especially from pride and prejudice and the lake scene...good times!

  2. Would you believe I haven't seen the BBC version? BUT! The 2005 movie with Matthew Macfayden? Reason enough to start watching Spooks I say...
