Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Am in a very happy, things-are-quiet-at-work, looking-forward-to-my-uber-long-weekend-with-Boyfriend kind of mood. But still, I have to say:


You cannot order a pizza in this town anymore without bumping into Seth bloody Rotherham.

Would I like to try a Nomu peri-peri rub on my pizza? Seth Rotherham invented it and reeeeally likes it apparently, so now it's the new hot ('scuse the pun) thing at Butlers pizza.

No. I would not like my pizza rubbed with anything inspired by Seth sponsored-down-to-the-ground Rotherfrigginham.

I hate him, I really do. I don't know him, but he lives in my dream hotel and he has money and sponsorships (for everything from his car to his coffee) coming out of his ears despite the fact that his blog is ... ahem ... mediocre.

Like how I stopped myself from using my big-girl words?


Yes, I'm jealous. Doesn't change the above facts.

Oh and his real name is William Mellor. Just by the by.

Also, please notice the lack of link to his page.


  1. haha! loved this post.
    i feel this way about some skinny pretty girls. i like to call them bitches!
    may i suggest a latte? it always makes me feel better.

  2. carrent STAND him. or at least the production house that is now 'the site that shall not be named'. i can barely say his name let alone link that place.
