Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Things I would rather do with the R4 000 it's going to cost me to fix the damage I did to Mum's car during a moment's inattention in a parking garage

  1. Put the money toward buying my own car.
  2. Pay for at least two return flights to Joburg to visit Boyfriend.
  3. Sign up for weekly sessions with a personal trainer. The FUPA situation is getting so out of control, I think it's time I paid someone to crack the whip and stand over me yelling, 'Fifty more sit-ups! You're not going anywhere near a cup of tea till you've given me fifty more, soldier!' (or something).
  4. Buy a pair of Jimmy Choos. Or at least, half a pair. Maybe just the box.
  5. Have 267 Vida cappuccinos.
  6. See 200 movies at the Labia.
  7. Take 100 of my closest friends out for a cocktail. (Or, you know, take my closest friends out for 10 cocktails each.)
  8. Pay off a huge chunk of my laptop.
  9. Go out for sushi every night of the week for a month.
  10. Buy a new cellphone so I don't have to keep 'fixing' mine against the wall.


  1. aaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwww, shame man!!! it's something to cry about ;(
    cantyou try to sort it out via insurance..?

    good luck!!!!!

  2. I would totally get a pair of Jimmy Choos too :)

  3. Desi
    Sadly my excess (because I'm under 25 and a secondary driver) is something ridiculous like R4500 anyway. I'm done crying, just still mourning the 267 cappuccinos :)

    Half a pair. We'll get a shoe each and share. What do you say?
