Wednesday, August 11, 2010

For some reason I have that primary school ditty 'Do Your Ears Hang Low?' stuck in my head this morning.

Am feeling a little invisible this week. Nothing like someone you've met about seven times consistently forgetting your name to make you feel unimportant. Also, yesterday an automatic sliding door wouldn't open for me. I  practically had to walk into the glass before being allowed admittance to the building. So even machines don't notice me.

Do you ears hang low, do they wobble to and fro...

Am a bit wobbly today. My legs, they hurt something awful. (Wait, no, that's no technically true. They only hurt when I require them to perform unreasonable leggy tasks, like say, walk. Or sit down. Or stand. Any of the above really.) Only upon leaving the gym this morning after some nice hardcore cardio (not that it'll make up for the three rusks I ate last night, but whatever) did I realise that it was less than 12 hours since I'd left the gym yesterday after Pilates. I'm not sure whether to be proud of my regular-gym-goingness, or admit that it's just a teensy bit sad.

...can you tie them in a knot, can you tie them in a bow...

Bought a giant wire-work teacup this weekend. It's lovely. It doesn't quite fit on my shelf and I really shouldn't be spending frivolously (Biscuit bankrupted me this month) but I love it.

...can you throw them over your shoulder, like a regimental soldier...

As much as I love tea and lemon cake at Sidewalk. As much as I love four-day weeks. As much as I love the fact that I'm going to a show at Fashion Week tomorrow (yeah anyone can name-drop, but it takes skill to event-drop).

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