Hit snooze twice at 5 am because was feeling shattered after Pilates last night, and therefore missed the start of the killer abs class this morning so only did my obligatory 30 minutes of cardio instead and was therefore home, showered and ready for work earlier than usual.
Because of this, I decided today was a good morning to stop at the post office before work to collect a parcel waiting for me. Called to check what time they opened and was told 8 am. Got petrol (Biscuit was beeping that she was thirsty) and after the friendly petrol guy washed my dirty windscreen I arrived at the PO at two minutes to eight.
At 8.15, after knocking somewhat impatiently on the door, was tersely gestured to read the sign (that had been in front of my face the whole time) telling me that on Wednesdays they open at 8.30 (incidentally, the time I'm supposed to be at work). Felt decidedly sheepish after having mounted my high horse and muttered under my breath for a quarter of an hour about tardiness in state institutions (don't you hate when that happens? when you get all up in arms only to realise you were the one being a twit all along?). Decided to wait it out, all the while being whistled at by homeless people under the bridge. Uncomfortable.
(If you're wondering why I was so super keen to get to the post office, it's because there are few things I love more than Receiving Mail, especially when said mail is A Package.)
Finally got back on the road to work, taking a 'short cut' that included about fifteen red lights, one cab driver who clearly bought his licence last week, and two apparently suicidal pedestrians.
Smelt something funny. Funny, like vomity funny. So not funny at all.
Realised that last night some drunken reveler must have tossed his or her cookies into the windscreen washing bucket that the petrol pump attendant used on Biscuit this morning.
Seriously? Seriously? Sigh.
How did I immediately and so astutely surmise that this was what had happened? Because it's happened to me before. Why universe, why?
Ah shame, sounds like quite a morning! Although it did make me laugh LOLZ, thanks for that! Hope the rest of your day goes a little better!