Thursday, October 7, 2010

Just saw the recently released untouched pictures of Madonna (it's a well-known fact that I hold the former queen of pop in the lowest possible esteem, so people regularly send me nasty things about her). Starting to wonder about celebs and their self-image...

I doubt any woman's perception of herself is exactly spot on (at least I'm hoping not, given what I see in the mirror) but I wonder if constantly seeing yourself retouched to within an inch (sometimes at least 20) of your life doesn't screw with your sense of reality.

For example, if you're a 52-year-old ageing pop star trying to hold onto your glory days of leotards and pointy cone bras.

I'm sure when Madge looks in the mirror she sees the sexy, photoshopped D&G self, and not the tired, manic, I-have-scary-veins-because-I-live-on-yoga-and-ambition self. Maybe someone's even papered over all her mirrors with the first version, to protect a mind clearly teetering on the edge of dysmorphia.

I just feel sorry for little Lola really. Imagine trying to grow up normal when Mum's practising full plies in high-leg onesies on MTV.

(For the record, Madonna is said to be pissed off about these shots being released without her consent. So it's not another well-intentioned publicity stunt a la Britney.)

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