Thursday, July 7, 2011

Pink eye is the new black

ARGH! Not only is an eye infection super sexy (no, not really), but it also stops one from being allowed to look at a computer screen, and therefore from blogging.

Well, that's my excuse anyway for my blogabsenteeism this week. I was away from my laptop, being goddess-like (no, not really) with a red, swollen eye and having fun with my eye dropper and anything that didn't require clear vision, such as laundry and drinking wine.

Fun times.

On the bright side, I can legitimately go shopping for a new mascara now.


  1. and new sunglasses... You cannot POSSIBLY be expected to wear sunglasses that may (or may not) have come into contact with pinky.

    Jeez, while you're at it get a new collection of clothes, throw in some shoes too! Who knows how far the pink may have travelled ;)

  2. Surely I must even invest in new nail polish colours for my toes? It may have reached that far. I'll start with a few of the new dresses in Forever New...

    You were offering to sponsor all this, weren't you?

