Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Vive la single resolution

So, I've finally jumped on the bandwagon with the rest of the world, and said 'bah humbug!' to NY resolutions.

No more 'I will lose five kilos' (although I will), 'I will make more of an effort with friends' (although I will), 'I will write more' (although I will)...

Instead, I've come up with the resolution to end all resolutions.


In 2012, I will ... Spend My Time More Wisely.

Simple, no? Yes. And no. Because it inherently includes the following:
  • I will worry less, and dream more
  • I will procrastinate less, and do more
  • I will watch less (bad) TV, and read more
  • I will do less laundry, and socialise more
  • I will drive less, and spend more quality time with people who count
  • I will stress less, and exercise more
And so on, and so forth. It's kind of an undefined carpe diem moment I'm having. To get the heck out of dodge (aka my boring, stale, tired routine) and do more of what makes me happy, which is what a handy sign on our office inspiration wall so helpfully tells me every morning.

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