Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Nicole Richie Effect...

Thin is in, and anybody who disputes it is just fooling themselves.
I will refrain from flogging the dead horse that is the size-zero phenomenon. We all know the skeletal stats of Hollywood’s young celebutantes, and how the media loves to hang the albatross of every young girl’s eating disorder around their skinny necks.
No, what I want to talk about is what I like to call the Nicole Richie Effect.
Little Miss Richie didn’t only get ridiculously thin. Just about halving her body weight seemed to be the catalyst for a Birkin bagful of other transformations.
I’ll be blunt: Nicole Richie used to look like an unscrubbed, McDonald’s regular dressed by a blind pole dancer. She was stuck in BFF Paris Hilton’s shadow (does Paris actually cast a shadow?) and it’s safe to assume she was unattractive to pretty much the entire male population.
Then she got skinny.
Almost over night she became a fashion icon, rocking her skinny jeans, Chanel half-tints, and head scarves so well that designers fell over themselves to dress her. Nicole was suddenly as elegant and stylish as she’d been frumpy and unkempt before. Her look softened and there was suddenly something glamorously old-Hollywood about her.
She hogged headlines. She got her life together and ditched her dirty party-girl ways, snagged herself some high-end man candy, got married and hopped on the baby train with the rest of the A-list.
My point is that as soon as Nicole got skinny, everything started going right for her. And she’s not the only one. Anne Hathaway – who was never really big to begin with – dropped a few pounds and is suddenly starring in movies left right and centre – when she’s not lending her delightful face to perfume ads or showing off designer gowns on the red carpet
Even Kelly Osborne - although she'll probably never look what anyone would call good - ditched her white trash look for some lovely dresses after losing nearly thirteen kilos.
So…what? If you’re on the chubby side, you resign yourself to looking like Miss Trailer Park 2002? Sigh...pass the celery.


  1. babe, this is complete cosmo material. love it. x

  2. Hun i'm loving it!!

    P.S. Did Nicole Richie actually get married?
