Being an intern has it's perks, but also one major downside. Working a nine to five without getting paid leaves little time to work casually on the side, putting a serious dent in my cash flow. You'd think being confronted with a bank balance on the wrong side of a grand would turn me into a scrupulous spendthrift. Instead, it makes me think of all the things I need to buy. Like, right now.
And that got me thinking about the myriad things a girl has to budget for every month that the less-fair sex does not, including...
Makeup: when you're shelling out at least a hundred bucks for a mascara, can you imagine how much it costs a year to replenish our makeup bags? And yes, makeup is a necessity. Say what you like about 'natural look', if every women stopped wearing makeup tomorrow, the world would be a scary, scary place.
Shoes: because we need at least three times as many as you do.
Clothes: see above.
Grooming: all those manis, pedis and waxes cost you know. The most painful part of a Brazillian is not the hot-wax-on-our-delicate-bits bit, it's handing over our plastic for the agony we just went through.
Hair Maintenance: there's no 'just a bit off the top and sides' for us, and don't even get me started on the extortion that is having your hair coloured.
Drinks: because a cosmopolitan costs more than a beer. period.
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