Monday, May 31, 2010

The weekend in numbers

Number of pieces of sushi consumed on Friday night: about 20? Got spoiled with bubbly and sushi and chocolate spring rolls by Boyfriend, to celebrate my getting published.

Hours of series/movies watched: innumerable. We have become addicts. This may call for an intervention.

Percentage of TV screen visible from our table at Peddlar's while trying to watch rugby: about 15%. The only thing more boring than being made to watch a rugby match, is only being able to see the occasional foot whiz by while everybody else in the place cheers (or, as was the case on Saturday, groans). Was made up for with a lovely post-rugby double dinner date at Borusso's and then getting to laugh at people dancing on tables at Oblivion later.

Number of awesome roast chicken dinners cooked by Boyfriend for the family on Sunday night: 1. The boy can cook and therefore I might never let him go (so long as the chocolate pancakes I've been promised materialise sometime).

Number of extra hours sleep this morning: 1. It's nice to get to work at a reasonable time, feels like sleeping in. Big sigh of relief all round that Mad May is just about over.

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