Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A is for apple (and all-bran, and almonds)

6.4 kg from goal weight

I survived the water fast.

Decided that hanging out at home feeling limp and miserable wasn't going to cut it for the last few hours before bed, so took myself to a little pre-loved sale in Vredehoek with Noodle. Little did I know that upon walking into our friend's flat I would be greeted not just by clothes, shoes and bags at silly low prices, but also by a table bearing popcorn, melba toast, a selection of cheese, and Graham Beck Railroad Red – just a few of my favourite things. Managed to assuage my by then grumbling tum with ice water and the impulsive purchase of a dress by Copelia.

So, onwards and upwards, and on to, as promised, the new plan. Have decided that until the end of September (where did it go??) I am going to let a letter of the alphabet dictate my diet for the day. So between now and Thursday we're playing Alphabet Soup! Today is A, and if I managed a day of nothing but water (incidentally probably the first day since I was about six that I haven't had at least one cup of tea) then I'm fairly certain I can make it through Tuesday on All-bran, apples and almonds...

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