Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Okay I don't want to sound like a grouchy old lady here, but I'm having a case of ... well, I suppose it's more road annoyance than road rage.

I myself am not the world's greatest driver – not by a long shot. I don't always stick to the speed limit, I have been known to treat stop streets as yield signs when there aren't too many other cars around, I always go through orange lights and I had that quite spectacular near-fatal accident not too long ago.

But still. I am getting really hacked off about people going through red lights.

Accidentally, once in a while, if you're stuck in the middle of an intersection ... whatever, it happens. But people seem to be doing it consistently these days. As though a stop light simply means 'Keep going, you won't have an accident until the opposing lights turn green. And hey, if you're still 100m away when the light turns red, maybe just hit the gas so you go hurtling past it at breakneck speed. Rules of the road? Whatevs.'

But when I'm standing on the side of the road waiting to cross, and the light has gone RED and the little blinking man has gone GREEN, your pedal-to-the-medal road hog behaviour means you nearly killed me you fucking asshole idiot in your dirty tinpot Nissan with its smashed headlight. And leaning back in your seat and leering at my skirt does not me want to rip your eyeballs out any less.

Okay, maybe it was road rage after all. Can pedestrians get road rage?

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